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Keeping Fit on Mount Tamborine

Book an appointment with one of our Personal Trainers to establish a personalised program.

We offer Starter and Advanced personalised programs.

Starter Programs

A starter personalised program is $90 and will assist most customers who are either new to gym workouts or keen to start back in the gym after a period of time.

This cost includes a personal trainer showing you through exercises and establishing with you the best way to reach your fitness goals. The personal trainer will then type up the program created with you and have it available for you next time you are in the gym.

A starter personalised program includes 2 minor updates (roughly 15 mins of time with a trainer) within 3 months of the initial appointment. The initial appointment is approximately 1 hour.

Advanced Programs

We also offer advanced personalised programs.

An advanced personalised program is for a customer already on their fitness journey who is needing regular 1 to 1 input to keep them aligned to reach their fitness goals and on track with frequent and/or in depth program adaptions.

The type of customers who generally require an advanced personalised program are:

  • athletes wanting to achieve better results in their already chosen sport (this can include teenagers or adults);
  • customers who are entering a competition and want assistance to get conditioned and ready (e.g. Kokoda Challenge, Tough Mudder, etc.);
  • customers training for a BEEP test to enter into a career; and 
  • customers wanting to impress at the next family wedding or event.

An advanced personalised program is for anyone wanting to really step up their training and gym program, who is seeking the guidance and regular support from a personal trainer.

The initial appointment will be approximately 2 hours in length at a cost of $160. This allows for all fitness goals and expectations to be established, plus the initial program(s) to be arranged and then typed up.

During the initial appointment follow up regular 20 minute appointments will also be booked and set up. The regularity of these appointments will be determined at this time and at a cost $30 per session. Some customers like to check in once or twice a week/fortnight for program revision and intensity.